Getting started with dotProject Project Management Software

Yesterday I installed dotProject in an attempt to start managing my time working online more effectively.
Despite previously knowing nothing about dotProject, once I discovered the script came packaged with cPanel and Fantastico, it took me less than 2 minutes to install – just like a new wordpress blog.

dotProject  user manual is available for download and more detailed information is available online – but so far I have not needed to use either.
First I entered my name and address details.
Then I started a new project, added tasks with time, dates and costs.

It took me about ten minutes to complete the first project for one of my new software products and a bit less for each of the next ones.
Adding task dependencies lets me quickly see the order I should be doing things – and probably for the first time has given me a real picture of just how much work I have to do and how long it is likely to take.

After about 30 minutes work, I now had all the project information I needed in a database.
And dotProject has tools that present it in lots of useful different ways – such as to-do lists and gant charts.

In summary, dotProject can do most everything I am ever likely to want for my online project planning.
It also provides so many extra features I am unlikely to need – such as multi-user, multi-company support.

Despite providing heavyweight features, it is so easy to install and start using – just wish I’d have found it sooner.
The one thing I haven’t yet found is a way to print out the results.
Maybe that feature is there somewhere.
Anyway, it’s no problem because I just use my new Clik-n-Snap software to snap a copy of any results I need and paste them into word for printing

Highly recommended – free, quick and easy to get started.

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