Ideas to Improve Your WordPress Site

I create software for web users and am always on the look-out for ideas.
What I really want to find out is what people want – even though they may not know themselves.

One great place to look is the WordPress Plugin Directory
This lists all the great, freely available, wordpress plugins.
As usual, this got me sidetracked into wondering just how useful some of these plugins are.
One that really caught my attention was Shortcodes Ultimate
Short-codes allow your website to run proven pieces of software simply by entering a short name that replaces a function. So for example, a few letters in your code could create tabs, buttons or sliders – all fully tested and functional.

I’m particularly interested in checking out the upgrade that enables me to create my own short-codes.

Like all new toys, there will be a learning curve, but I’m hoping that in the long run it could save a lot of time and effort?

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