Author Archive

How to Use Image Cropper

Creating a Powerpoint slideshow and YouTube video about How to Use Image Cropper was much quicker today. Again I used mu Clik-n-Snap software to grab screen shots. The most useful feature allows a screen capture size to be defined. I set this to the widow size Image Cropper has been set to. Then all I […]

How to Use Header Magic

I’ve finally managed to create a powerpoint presentation for Header Magic and convert it into a Youtube video The first video, called Using Header Magic shows how quick and easy it is to create unique, high quality Headers and otherĀ  images for your websites. The good news is that’s it’s much quicker and easier to […]

Starting to Use dotProject Usefully

Two days ago I installed dotProject then yesterday I added a few projects along with the main tasks needed to complete them. Today I have been working VERY much more effectively completing over 50% of one brand new project. My aim was to follow Jason Fladleins idea of creating one product in one sitting to […]