Archive for the 'John ThornHills One Month Mentor' Category

One Month Mentor day 6

Day 6 Tuesday 24 April 2012 provides training for using and customizing wordpress widgets and adding youtube videos to blogs. The only real task for today was to remove the ‘single post top square adsense ad unit’ – involves deleting code and takes seconds to do. As usual, I listened to the to the MP3 […]

Follow my day by day progress using John Thornhills One Month Mentor

  I recently purchased John Thornhills One Month Mentor training program – and aim to publish my day by day progress following the course. Initially I’ll report how much time I’m spending each day plus running totals. Later I hope to add details of traffic and any income generated from the site. Please leave a […]

One Month Mentor day 5

Day 5 Monday 23 April 2012 tasks involve changing blog graphics – header, footer and RSS icon. This should have been a five minute job for me – but … I ran into problems with the hosting account I use for this blog as well as a completely different hosting account that both developed FTP […]