Does Training Quality Shrink with Quantity?

If you’re like me, you’ll value your time pretty highly.
And that presents a real problem when trying to learn something new.

You’ll need training to go into enough detail so you can understand it.
But you really don’t want it to go at such a snails pace that you switch off before it gets anywhere near explaining the bits you are really interested in.

For example, every week I am inundated with emails offering free webinars to learn how to make money online more easily, more quickly and with no risk.
Unfortunately they almost all overlook your most valuable resource – your time.

Usually I’ll sign up for two or three that promise to teach me something useful.
From maybe 6 hours of webinars, I’ll typically spend less than an hour learning the things I find useful.
Download my $17 report showing you “How to Save Half the Time You Spend Watching Webinars” while it’s still available at your favourite price = free.
And discover how I save myself hours of non-productive time each week.
No opt-in needed.


Cut Your Time In Half

Over the years I have listened to guru’s explaining the ways they make money online.
And I find most of them suggest methods that I am really not comfortable following.
For example, the first training course I spent $2000 on was from Ryan Deiss teaching how to make membership sites. Apart from recommending ‘forced membership opt-in’ Ryan also taught where to find free ‘filler content’ to use on your site to pad out the one or two high value unique products each month.

This may be a great easy way to avoid hard work.
But also a sure fire way to waste members time discovering real value in the content.

One of my favourite guru’s is Jason Fladlein.
Jason understands that something short, sharp and to the point has much higher value alternatives that are long and drawn out – whether webinars, ebooks, audios or videos.

Why do training webinars typically last 2 hours or more?
Most people’s attention span is limited to under an hour.
Sure the last 30 minutes is usually devoted to selling some product or service.
But can anyone keep providing high quality content for the rest of the time?
I don’t think so because it actually takes more time and effort to distil the essence of an idea to produce something brief and succinct yet keeping all essentials details.

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