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Initial results from my first WSO

It’s now 2 days since I launched my first WSO for Color Magic I decided to use Warrior Plus for the offer to manage payments and affiliates for a few reasons: They provide great real-time stastics. They have lots of affiliate marketers. They offer immediate payment – to me and affiliates. Their site is highly […]

Finally launched my first WSO

Today, I finally managed to launch my very first Warrior Special Offer for a brand new and unique software program called Color Magic – apologies to my UK colleagues but theonly useful domain available use the US spelling for colour! I think this is a great product and I was lucking enough to get a […]

Are Most Online Marketers Mad?

One definition of madness is continuing to do something with the expectation of getting a different result. I know lots of online marketers who work hard yet fail to make any meaningful income from their efforts. Some spend money buying training courses and tools that ‘promise’ (in various qualified ways) great results – but none […]