One Month Mentor day 14

Day 14 Wednesday 2 May 2012 and we’re back to straight forward practical tasks that I find easy.

The first task was to download and install OpenOffice – nothing for me to do as I already use this to produce PDF’s versions

taking it easy

Taking it easy, nothing for me to do today, by LadyDragonflyCC

of documents I have created in word (2002 version that doesn’t have pdf feature)

Although the rest of the days tasks are easy I can’t do any of them until I have caught up on work I should have completed over the last few days:

Editing PLR to create my own product, choosing a product name, buying a relevant domain name and ordering graphics.

Summary of time spent for the day:

  • 10 minutes creating MP3 audio files
  • 14 minutes listening to audio files while out walking
  • 15 minutes making notes of days activities (to help me rinse and repeat later)
  • 15 minutes watching videos and doing the days work including blog posts
  • 0 minutes sorting out technology problems

Summary of time spent on One Month Mentor to date:

  • 101 minutes creating MP3 audio files
  • 206 minutes listening to audio files while out walking
  • 270 minutes making notes of days activities (to help me rinse and repeat later)
  • 1057 minutes watching video and doing the days work
  • 195 minutes sorting out technology problems

I’m now falling even further behind – needing to spend maybe $27 to $97 plus time looking through all of the material.

My guess is that I’m now about 17 hours behind.
Plus I probably need to spend:

  • $27 on blog graphics
  • $54 on PLR (from 2 different sources)
  • $87 on product graphics
  • $10 on a product domain name

Total still to spend = $178.
No problem when I am more confident that I have chosen the right niche and product to get started with – but too much to waste.

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