One Month Mentor day 4

Day 4 Sunday 22 April 2012 tasks involve editing theme files then FTP uploading them.

Today’s videos go into great detail explaining how to do things for absolute beginners. I spent more time going through the motions of checking out the training – but nothing new for me, so I was able to carry out all the actual tasks in a few minutes.

thumb man with monitor

Starting to get technical


John recommended downloading and installing Filezilla to FTP files. Filezilla is a great program but my preference is to use Firebug integrated into Firefox as an “add-on”.

The longest and most tedious job today was editing 21 files to add my Google ID – but even that only took a few minutes.

Although I went through the exercise of checking out the new themes, without the graphics, the themes supplied have no graphic header at all (unlike the video examples) – so after checking everything worked, I reverted to my original default wordpress theme for now.

Update: In the process of working through day 5 tasks, I discovered that the Prosense Blue theme I planned to use was the only one of the 3 supplied themes to have a header graphic image missing! Just my luck!
But if you choose to use either the Prosense or Prosense-grey theme on day 4 – you shouldn’t have a problem.

Of course there is no problem if you want to use own graphics with the Prosense-blue theme.

Summary of time spent for the day:

  • 10 minutes creating MP3 audio files
  • 21 minutes listening to audio files while out walking
  • 5 minutes making notes of days activities (to help me rinse and repeat later)
  • 30 minutes watching videos and doing the days work

Summary of time spent on One Month Mentor to date:

  • 40 minutes creating MP3 audio files
  • 91 minutes listening to audio files while out walking
  • 40 minutes making notes of days activities (to help me rinse and repeat later)
  • 300 minutes watching video and doing the days work

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