One Month Mentor day 9

Day 9 Friday 27 April 2012 tasks complete the niche selection process and involved lots of research.

This has been the longest days work so far.

The objective is simple – research each of yesterday’s 20 chosen topics to pick one – but to do this properly takes a lot of time and effort.

John acknowledged niche selection is tough and encouraged us to raise a ticket with his support desk if we got stuck.

Summary of time spent for the day:

thumb man searching

Searching for my niche

  • 5 minutes creating MP3 audio files
  • 12 minutes listening to audio files while out walking
  • 60 minutes making notes of days activities (to help me rinse and repeat later)
  • 240 minutes watching videos and doing the days work including blog posts
  • 0 minutes sorting out technology problems

The busiest days work so far!

Summary of time spent on One Month Mentor to date:

  • 80 minutes creating MP3 audio files
  • 154 minutes listening to audio files while out walking
  • 140 minutes making notes of days activities (to help me rinse and repeat later)
  • 802 minutes watching video and doing the days work
  • 195 minutes sorting out technology problems

Today’s work takes the total time invested to almost 23 hours – averaging two and a half hours a day.

If you download the video files each day then you’ve probably already discovered that the file “open_me_to_play_video.html” in folder titled “2_choose_your_niche” displays a web page with links but doesn’t play the video.

You can click the MP4 file “2_choose_your_niche.mp4” to play the video file or download an edited version of  “open_me_to_play_video.html” that I have renamed “open_me_to_play_video_corrected.html” by right clicking here then saving the file.

You need to make sure this file is saved in the directory containing the MP4 video file.

If you simply click the link abouve or a copy not saved to the correct folder, it will not display correctly.

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