One Month Mentor day 8

Day 8 Thursday 26 April 2012 tasks involve identifying possible niches that interest me, I enjoy doing and could make money from.

John has broken the niche selection process into eight steps – and each of these can take as much or little time as you care to invest.

thumb man darn

Starting to get confused


This is the first set of tasks that have started to confuse me.
I thought I knew the niches I am interested in – but are they the wrong niches for me to make the $ I would like?
Or am I just not doing the things I should be doing in my chosen niches?

I decided that today’s tasks could have a considerable impact on my success – so in the end I spent a considerable time going through each of the eight steps to produce lists of 10 core topics that interest me plus another 10 money making topics.

Summary of time spent for the day:

  • 5 minutes creating MP3 audio files
  • 4 minutes listening to audio files while out walking
  • 25 minutes making notes of days activities (to help me rinse and repeat later)
  • 180 minutes watching videos and doing the days work including blog posts
  • 0 minutes sorting out technology problems

A busy days work!

Summary of time spent on One Month Mentor to date:

  • 75 minutes creating MP3 audio files
  • 142 minutes listening to audio files while out walking
  • 80 minutes making notes of days activities (to help me rinse and repeat later)
  • 563 minutes watching video and doing the days work
  • 195 minutes sorting out technology problems

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