One Month Mentor day 7

Day 7 Wednesday 25 April 2012 training covered how to replace Google Adsense ad units with either affiliate banner ads or clickbank ads using ‘Clickbank Ad Rotator’.

The basic process of replacing Adsense Ad units with alternative banner ads is quite simple.

thumb man with dollar sign

Show me how to earn the money!

John explained these advertising sources are great alternatives to Google Adsense for monetizing any website – particularly if you are unable to get an account.

Personally I much prefer to use affiliate links because they can bring higher income than adsense.

Anyway, back to todays training.
Editing wordpress code is almost exactly the same process carried out yesterday – but instead of simply deleting Adsense Ad unit code, it gets replaced by code from either an affiliate product banner or clickbank.

So most of the ‘work’ is finding affiliate products rather than editing code, which really is just a copy and paste process.

For now I’ve simply replaced a couple of Adsense Ad units with affiliate links.

Summary of time spent for the day:

  • 5 minutes creating MP3 audio files
  • 13 minutes listening to audio files while out walking
  • 5 minutes making notes of days activities (to help me rinse and repeat later)
  • 30 minutes watching videos and doing the days work including blog posts
  • 0 minutes sorting out technology problems

Summary of time spent on One Month Mentor to date:

  • 65 minutes creating MP3 audio files
  • 138 minutes listening to audio files while out walking
  • 55 minutes making notes of days activities (to help me rinse and repeat later)
  • 383 minutes watching video and doing the days work
  • 195 minutes sorting out technology problems

When I set up this blog, I also added Google Analytics  so that I can track progress of visitors, pages they view, clicks and bounce rates.

Yesterday Analytics showed 4 additional visitors for the first time – from the UK, USA, India and Slovakia – all sent from Warrior Forum. Progress!

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