Author Archive

Does Training Quality Shrink with Quantity?

If you’re like me, you’ll value your time pretty highly. And that presents a real problem when trying to learn something new. You’ll need training to go into enough detail so you can understand it. But you really don’t want it to go at such a snails pace that you switch off before it gets […]

My Favourite Firefox Addon

The browser I use most of the time is Firefox. Over the years I’ve tried and tested lots of different “addons” – or plug-ins. Addons are great when you use them but most slow Firefox down – so I only enable the ones I need to use. Although I still have SEO Quake installed, I […]

Has Summer Finally Arrived?

Schools out, the sun is shining and hundreds of sailing boats arrived yesterday to enjoy the south coast. So I ventured out of my front garden onto the beach to take quite a few pictures. Those with lots of sailing boats look like dots – so I’ve chosen a picture with only a few boats […]